MakeITHongKong 3-2-1 Go! Bang! (内容只提供英文版本)


香港科技園公司隨著本地創科產業的蓬勃發展,在3月21日舉辦了 「MakeITHongKong 3-2-1 Go! Bang!」大型開放活動,並於當日展開序幕。在3 月21 日至4 月4 日期間,活動以「Work. Live. Play」為主題,透過在香港科學園內各個精彩的體驗項目,呈現創科生態圈的活力與潛力。

今年的「MakeITHongKong 3-2-1 Go! Bang!」活動,讓本地及海外的創科創業家及人才、 投資者及業界夥伴,能從多方面感受科學園內生機蓬勃的創科文化。一連串豐富的創科體驗於活動期間在科學園陸續登場,包括啟發創新思維的 InnoXchange、展示眾多生活化及可落地應用的創新方案之智慧城市體驗展、介紹融入智慧社區及創新建築技術的模擬住宿單位,以及多姿多彩的娛樂與文化體驗環節,包括現場樂隊表演、藝術創作及電影放映等。 

序幕的焦點是科技園公司「創業培育計劃畢業典禮」,80 間培育公司一起分享跨越重要里程碑的喜悅,同時準備進一步向成功之路進發。今屆「創業培育計劃」畢業培育公司的數目,開創歷年新高。

所有畢業公司均來自科技園公司三個培育計劃,分別為「網動科技創業培育計劃」(Incu- App)、「科技創業培育計劃」(Incu-Tech)及「生物科技創業培育計劃」(Incu-Bio)。在加入培育計劃時,這些公司都在不同的發展階段,有些仍在建立產品或業務概念,有些需要籌募種子資金,亦有公司已研發出創新解決方案,準備推出市場。 

除了香港的企業外,本屆更有來自內地、加拿大、俄羅斯及美國的培育公司畢業,充分反映香港已逐步發展成為國際創科基地。這些公司在各項本地及世界性比賽中共贏得多達 99 個獎項、已提交或成功註冊專利38 項,並合共獲得接近1.34 億港元的天使投資和創投基金支持。





This year's MakeITHongKong 3-2-1 Go! Bang! event was officially kicked off with much excitement. During the two weeks, the I&T community got to see and experience the dynamic and vibrant I&T culture at Science Park through a series of engagement activities.

今年的「MakeITHongKong 3-2-1 Go! Bang!」活動在香港科學園熱鬧登場。在活動期間,創科社群可以透過豐富的體驗活動,親身感受科學園創科生態圈的無限活力與蓬勃生機。

Albert Wong, CEO, HKSTP (back row, fourth from the left), together with HKSTP’s management team, shared HKSTP’s recent development, new directions and future plans at an innovative MakeITHongKong 3-2-1 Go! Bang! luncheon.

香港科技園公司行政總裁黃克強( 後排左四)` 聯同公司管理團隊, 在 「MakeITHongKong 3-2-1 Go! Bang!」創新傳媒午宴中分享科技園公司的近期動向、新發 展策略及未來計劃。

Hong Kong Science Park is a living laboratory for Smart City innovations. Around 20 solutions were on the show at the Park, including autonomous self-driving vehicles, unmanned retail shop and Plastic Bottle Compression Recycle Kiosk.

Hong Kong Science Park is a living laboratory for Smart City innovations. Around 20 solutions were on the show at the Park, including autonomous self-driving vehicles, unmanned retail shop and Plastic Bottle Compression Recycle Kiosk.

Hong Kong Science Park is a living laboratory for Smart City innovations. Around 20 solutions were on the show at the Park, including autonomous self-driving vehicles, unmanned retail shop and Plastic Bottle Compression Recycle Kiosk.

香港科學園作為一個智慧社區及生活實驗室,在園區內展示了約20 個可協助解決各種社會挑戰的創新方案,包括各種無人駕駛車輛、無人商店及智能逆向膠樽回收機,展現 了智慧城市的未來生活。

InnoCell, the upcoming 17-storey accommodation building for the I&T community at Science Park, is currently in construction, applying Modular Integrated Construction (MiC). Visitors had a preview of the full-scale InnoCell prototypes at the MakeITHongKong 3-2-1 Go! Bang! event.

InnoCell, the upcoming 17-storey accommodation building for the I&T community at Science Park, is currently in construction, applying Modular Integrated Construction (MiC). Visitors had a preview of the full-scale InnoCell prototypes at the MakeITHongKong 3-2-1 Go! Bang! event.

樓高17 層的「創新斗室」,是科學園內的智能生活及創新協作匯聚的社區,將採用 「組裝合成」建築法 興建。在「MakeITHongKong 3-2-1 Go! Bang!」活動期間,創科社群 可參觀模擬住宿單位。

A total of 80 companies celebrated a major milestone in their I&T journey at the Incubation Graduation Ceremony. This was the highest number of Incubation graduates in a single year. They come from China, Canada, Hong Kong, Russia and the United States, underpinning Hong Kong's growing status as an international hub for innovation and technology.

在「創業培育計劃畢業典禮」上,80 間培育公司一起分享跨越重要里 程碑的喜悅。今屆「創業培育計劃」畢業培育公司的數目,創歷年新高,他們分別來自 於內地、加拿大、香港、俄羅斯及美國,充分反映香港已逐步發展成為國際創科基地。

Peter Mok, Head of Incubation & Acceleration Programmes, HKSTP, shared the new initiatives aimed at accelerating the development of incubatees as well as Hong Kong’s overall I&T development. These included a revamped Mentorship Programme, and new online value-added services, such as Marketplace@HKSTP, the Legal Library and the Investor Calendar.

香港科技園公司科技創業培育計劃及企業加速器總監莫偉軒分享加強促進培育公 司發展的新舉措,包括優化導師計劃及一系列增值服務,如Marketplace@HKSTP、法律 文件資料庫及Investor Calendar 等。

