
Advanced Card Systems Limited


Founded in 1995, Advanced Card Systems Ltd. ("ACS")  is one of the world's top 3 – and Asia's largest – suppliers of PC-linked smart card readers. Offering a wide range of high-quality products, our smart card reading and writing devices are sold in over 100 countries across the world. A subsidiary of Leadway Technology Investment Group Limited (SEHK: 2086), we are dedicated to leveraging our technology, expertise and global reach to accelerate the adoption of smart cards across industries. Our global excellence has been recognised by a Product Quality Leadership Award for Smart Card Readers from Frost & Sullivan, a leading tech consultancy.  


A global leader in the smart card and card reader industry.

ACS develops and sells smart card operating systems (COS) and card readers that are used worldwide to implement smart card-based systems across various applications and industries. Compliant with major industrial standards to support safe and compatible operations, ACS's products are sold across seven product families: Smart Cards & Smart Card Operating Systems, PC-Linked Smart Card Readers, Contactless Readers, Mobile Card Readers, Smart Card Readers with PIN-Pad, Smart Card Reader Modules, and Automatic Fare Collection (AFC) Readers. Some ACS's products can also be customized to meet the specific needs of customers.

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