Sanomics LimitedProfilePic18107

Sanomics Limited



Founded in Hong Kong in 2015, “Patient First” is Sanomics Limited’s principle.

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Our Beliefs

Aspiring to develop and deploy the latest genetic and genomic technologies, Sanomics strive to work with healthcare professionals from hospitals, clinics, and drug companies to benefit patients.


Sanomics specialises in providing liquid biopsy and tissue based genetic diagnostics for cancer patients, helping doctors decide personalised cancer solutions for patients. Focusing on lung and women’s cancer, Sanomics’ cancer screening services covers both somatic and germline mutations. Sanomics adopts Droplet Digital Polymerase Chain Reaction, Next Generation Sequencing technology to complete Comprehensive Genomic Profiling and Real-time Polymerase Chain Reaction. Being one of the market leaders in cancer genomics technology in Hong Kong and Asia, Sanomics is committed to bring the latest and best genomics technologies to the healthcare industry in other Asian countries and help oncologists in cancer management.