Syncord 3D Technology LimitedSyncord 3D Technology Limited (unit 918)jpg

Syncord 3D Technology Limited


SyNCord’s mission is to be a pioneering 3D printing technology company which revolutionize 3D printing industry. SyNCord’s technology enables 3D printers to produce products from the concept to its completion. We aim to bring the next Generation of 3D printers in the near future that improves the quality of production while minimizing human factors, thus bridging the gaps in current Industry 4.0 paradigm with our proprietary innovative solution.

Syncord 3D Technology Limited has invented an innovative and robust way of 3D printing (Additive Manufacturing). Our technology is about Multi-Axis 3D printing.

Our technology includes a proprietary software system of robotics additive manufacturing and a set of hardware configuration which cooperates tilting/rotation printing platform and XY-table to perform stable multi-axis 3D printing.

The hardware configuration is able to perform curve layer printing and multi-directional printing which makes support-free printing core and surface finishing become available.
The proprietary software controls every motion precisely according to sensors’ feedback. It synchronizes the 3D object orientation and printing head motion to print out high quality 3D object smoothly.

Syncord’s technology is making 3D printing to be more comprehensive and influencing the way to do rapid prototyping and manufacturing to make higher industrial automation.