Profiled Group LimitedvU4GDzoY0

Profiled Group Limited


Profiled started in 1984 in Spain out of a drive to find a better way to illuminate each space. We became a world-leading provider of LED linear lighting solutions in high voltage.
Based in Hong Kong with our own R&D centre located at Hong Kong Science Park and our LED linear lighting solutions, we pioneered our patented solderless linear lighting technology. We turned what was static, rigid and plain into something that is malleable, changeable and brilliant.


You Inspire. We innovate.

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Our Beliefs

Through constant innovation in research and development, we continue to pursue our dream of transforming the linear lighting industry.
Connect directly to the AC without the need for an additional power supply for quicker, safer and more simple installation with just a screwdriver, for consistent brightness from end to end.
Eliminating the use of connections, our patented technology engineers LED linear lighting that outlast regular LED lighting products by 1.5x in time. Less maintenance, less time spent and more costs saved.
Offering supreme length at up to 300m, our linear lighting solutions can be tailored with precision cutting at every 100mm, engineered to flexibly accommodate expansive applications across all industries