6 May 2016
Hong Kong Science and Technology Parks Corporation Celebrates 15th Anniversary

The Hon. CY Leung, The Chief Executive of HKSAR (2nd from the left) and Nicholas Yang, JP, Secretary for Innovation and Technology (1st from the left), the Hon. Fanny Law, GBS, JP, Chairperson of HKSTP (2nd from the right) and Allen Ma, CEO of HKSTP (1st from the right) officiated at HKSTP’s 15th Anniversary Celebration Ceremony, marking HKSTP’s success in leading Hong Kong in building a substantial and productive Innovation and Technology Ecosystem and its determination to continue to connect and work with different parties in the community to give the Ecosystem stronger yet impetus to develop.

The Hon. CY Leung, The Chief Executive of HKSAR (6th from the right) and Nicholas Yang, JP, Secretary for Innovation and Technology (5th from the right), the Hon. Fanny Law, GBS, JP, Chairperson of HKSTP (5th from the left), Allen Ma, CEO of HKSTP (4th from the left) and the management team of HKSTP.

The Hon. CY Leung, The Chief Executive of HKSAR (8th from the right in the front row) and Nicholas Yang, JP, Secretary for Innovation and Technology (7th from the right in the front row) and past and current HKSTP Board members celebrated the 15th Anniversary of HKSTP, an important milestone for Hong Kong on the path of innovation and technological development
(Hong Kong, 6 May 2016) - The Hong Kong Science and Technology Parks Corporation (“HKSTP”) celebrated its 15th anniversary today at Hong Kong Science Park with the ceremony officiated by The Chief Executive of the Hong Kong Special Administration Region the Honourable C Y Leung and Nicholas Yang, JP, Secretary for Innovation and Technology.
Three visionary emphases to drive economic development
Incorporated in 2001, HKSTP is responsible for planning, building and creating a new ecosystem with innovation and technological development at the core. Its missions included to build a 22-hectare world-class Science Park at Pak Shek Kok, Shatin in 15 years where comprehensive value-added services are provided to nurture local technology talent and small and medium technological enterprises, serving as a vital base for putting “Innovated in Hong Kong” in the spotlight. HKSTP has also turned its InnoCentre in Kowloon Tong into a breeding ground for new brands and lifestyle products. With more and more new technologies and products ready for commercialisation, design companies at the Centre are going to shoulder the “Designed in Hong Kong” task, helping to match new technological innovations with market demands and their own advantages, bringing to light the practical applications of those products and turning them into market-worthy brands. HKSTP also manages three Industrial Estates in Tai Po, Tseung Kwan O and Yuen Long, dedicated to helping companies there adopt technologies developed by those in the local innovation and technology ecosystem and thus raise their own industrial value and quality. Furthermore, HKSTP has been active in recruiting new and high-tech enterprises to set up production base that involved high-value processes in Hong Kong, as a way to reinvigorate the city’s “Made in Hong Kong” fortes, thereby give the local economy and society new and promising prospects.
15-year mission accomplished Determined to brave new heights
While proud of making the 15th year milestone, HKSTP is working hard at rallying the society’s support for its two strategic initiatives – expanding Science Park and redeveloping its three Industrial Estates. HKSTP’s Chairperson the Honourable Fanny Law, GBS, JP, said, “Thanks to the foresight of the Hong Kong SAR Government, HKSTP was born and has in the past 15 years helped shape an Innovation and Technology Ecosystem for Hong Kong and delivered on time and at lower than expected cost a top-notch science park with world standard. As the world warms up quickly to the development of innovative technologies, we are seeing also the coming of age of scientific research and new technological applications in Hong Kong, prompting HKSTP to assume the super connector role in the past couple of years bringing together the government, industries, and academic and research experts to help stakeholders in the local Innovation and Technology Ecosystem to meet potential partners including investors, research institutions, and the commercial and industrial sectors in different parts of the world. Today, local technological research efforts are bearing fruits as evidenced by the international awards our inventions won in recent years. Our aim forthcoming is to see technologies driving economic development and, for that, HKSTP has relevant strategies in place including expanding Science Park and redeveloping its three Industrial Estates.
“I thank the SAR Government and the community for their support in the past 15 years, which has impelled development of the Innovation and Technology Ecosystem. The years ahead are critical because it is time for us to show Hong Kong that we can make the best of the foundation that took 15 years to build to send the city on the path of becoming an innovation-driven economy and build on her momentum to seize booming opportunities. I firmly believe that with the community working as one, every ‘what if’ asked by those embracing innovation and technology would ‘fruits’ that can benefit the generations to come. ”
Allen Ma, HKSTP’s Chief Executive Officer, believed this is the opportune time for Hong Kong to push for reindustrialisation and also, innovation is a must for Hong Kong. He urged Hong Kong people to look at ways to integrate innovation into their work and also be open to supporting innovation and technological development in the city. He said, “The Innovation and Technology Ecosystem of Hong Kong is like a flagship entrusted with guiding the city on the course of reindustrialisation, building an advanced and high value-added industrial chain that we may see our vision of ‘Innovated in Hong Kong’+ ‘Designed in Hong Kong’+ ‘Made in Hong Kong’ come true. We hope to secure government’s support and funding as soon as possible that we may kick off expanding Science Park and redeveloping our Industrial Estate in Tseung Kwan O.”
Last two buildings of Phase 3 completed Park community with over 600 companies ready for many more technology talent to join
More than 600 companies, local and from overseas, are currently operating in the 19 buildings, including technology research offices and laboratory facilities, in Phase 1, 2 and 3 of the Science Park, and together they have on hire close to 13,000 employees. And last month the two last towers in Science Park Phase 3 were completed, which means HKSTP has delivered the entire Science Park development project as promised. With its campus completed, Science Park will be able to serve 700 enterprises employing close to 14,000 workers dedicated to high-tech and high value-adding technological undertakings. HKSTP expects all spaces in Science Park Phase 3 to be filled comes year 2017/18.
As for the three Industrial Estates in Tai Po, Tseung Kwan O and Yuen Long respectively, they provide Hong Kong what it needs to reindustrialise. Currently, they are home to more than 160 enterprises and manufacturers in businesses including construction materials, environmental protection technology, chemical and gas, pharmaceutics, Chinese medicine, electronics, machinery and metals, and hiring a total of 28,200 employees.
The InnoCentre in Kowloon Tong, which offers one-stop value-added services, has thus far helped more than a hundred companies begin their innovative design projects. It houses an assembly of experts in product packaging and design, multimedia, movies and digital entertainment, advertising, architecture and interior design, and visual and media arts, etc. It is the headquarters of many local well-known designers and artists, who are in recent years joined by members of the creative community in the Pearl River Delta area with hopes to join force with their peers in Hong Kong.
Two major strategic initiatives to propel reindustrialisation
HKSTP believes its two major strategic initiatives – redeveloping its three Industrial Estates and expanding Science Park – will help strengthen the “Innovated in Hong Kong, Designed in Hong Kong and Made in Hong Kong” innovative industrial chain and drive reindustrialisation in Hong Kong. It plans to build two 14- to 15-storey towers dedicated to scientific research on the land northwest of Science Park Phase 3, which are expected to provide spaces for about 130 companies and 3,500 technological minds to work. To meet the needs of small and medium technology enterprises, HKSTP intends to put a Local Light Duty Workshop on every floor of one of the buildings to facilitate electronics and precision engineering research endeavours, the aim of which is to attract more enterprises specialising in robotics technology research to move into Science Park and keep fuelling technological innovation.
HKSTP will also build two new industrial towers on two now empty slots in the Industrial Estate in Tseung Kwan O for enterprises developing Smart City related projects and also to provide facilities that enhance synergy and collaboration among companies operating data centre there. The two initiatives are set to begin with HKSTP at the helm, leading Hong Kong in applying her innovative capabilities and technological strengths in the quest for reindustrialisation which will open the local economy to a new frontier.
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